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- Daedalus.
- Daehan naegwa hag'hoe jabji.
- Daehan pye'gyeong haghoe jabji
- Daewon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
- 大腸癌研究会抄録集
- 大腸がんperspective
- 第一薬科大学研究年報
- 大日本耳鼻咽喉科会会報
- 大豆たん白質栄養研究会会誌
- 大豆たん白質研究
- 大豆たん白質研究会会誌
- Daniel's Texas medical journal.
- Danish medical bulletin
- Danish medical journal.
- Dānish va pizhuhish dar ravānʹshināsī-i kārburdī.
- Dānishnāmah-i Ṣārim dar ṭibb-i bāvarī
- 断層撮影法研究会雑誌
- 断層映像研究会雑誌
- Dar Es Salaam medical students' journal.
- The Dartmouth undergraduate journal of science.
- DARU journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
- DARU Journal Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Dārūhā-yi giyāhī = Journal of herbal drugs.
- Darwiniana.
- Darwiniana, nueva serie
- Data in brief.
- Data science journal / ICSU, CODATA.
- Database : the journal of biological databases and curation.
- Dataset papers in science.
- DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- DaVita Healthcare Partners Inc. SWOT Analysis
- Dawnrays Pharmaceutical (Holdings) Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- Dawson Geophysical Company MarketLine Company Profile
- 大众心理学 = 大眾心理學 (DAZHONG XINLIXUE.)
- DB's Medical Rants [BLOG]
- DC Medical Malpractice and Patient Safety Blog
- De Apotheker
- De Levende natuur.
- Deafness & education international : the journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf.
- Dean's Notes
- The death penalty in ... year end report
- Death Row U.S.A. Reporter
- Death studies.
- Deaths from cancer: females: Mortality per 100 000 females
- Deaths from cancer: males: Mortality per 100 000 males
- Deaths from cancer: total population: Mortality per 100 000 population
- Debates em psiquiatria.
- Debates in neuroscience.
- Décès à cause du cancer chez les femmes: Mortalité pour 100 000 femmes
- Décès à cause du cancer chez les hommes: Mortalité pour 100 000 hommes
- Décès à cause du cancer dans l'ensemble de la population: Mortalité pour 100 000 personnes
- Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC MarketLine Company Profile
- Decision.
- Décisions du Conseil de discipline du Collège des médecins du Québec
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Defektološka teorija i praktika.
- Degel : University of Sokoto journal, Faculty of Arts & Islamic Studies.
- Degenerative neurological and neuromuscular disease.
- デイケア実践研究
- Del Nacional.
- Delaware journal of public health.
- Delhi psychiatry journal.
- Delicious!.
- Delos
- Delta journal of ophthalmology : official journal of Delta Ophthalmological Society of Egypt.
- Delta Medical College journal.
- Deltio Ekpaideutikis Arthrographias.
- DelveInsight Research Reports
- Dementia & neuropsychologia.
- Dementia : the international journal of social research and practice.
- Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders.
- Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra.
- Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders / The Korean Dementia Association.
- Demetra.
- Demographic research.
- Demography.
- DEN open.
- Dendra médica, revista de humanidades
- Dendrobiology.
- 電気泳動
- Dennis Barry's reimbursement advisor.
- 澱粉科学
- 伝染病研究所学友会雑誌
- Dental abstracts.
- Dental and medical problems.
- The dental assistant.
- Dental Bytes
- Dental clinics of North America.
- The Dental cosmos.
- Dental Economics
- Dental economics.
- Dental equipment & materials.
- Dental Follicle – The E-Journal
- Dental Forum.
- Dental hypotheses.
- Dental implantology update.
- Dental journal : Majalah Kedokteran Gigi.
- Dental journal of advance studies
- The Dental Journal of Nihon University
- Dental Lab Products
- Dental materials.
- Dental materials journal.
- Dental medicine research.
- Dental Poster Journal
- Dental practice report.
- Dental Press journal of orthodontics.
- Dental Products Report
- Dental products report.
- Dental products report Europe.
- The Dental register
- Dental Reporter / Biomedical Journal Digitization.
- Dental research journal.
- Dental statistics and research
- Dental traumatology.
- Dental world.
- Dentarena Informationen für Zahnärztinnen und Zahnärzte vor der Praxiseröffnung SSO-Kommission "Weiterbildung, Fortbildung, Qualität WFQ"
- デンタルハイジーン
- Dentino : jurnal kedokteran gigi.
- El Dentista Moderno
- Dentistry
- Dentistry 3000.
- Dentistry India
- Dentistry journal.
- Dentistry online the international forum for dentistry
- Dentistry Review
- Dentistry today.
- DentistryIQ
- The Dentists register.
- 伝統医療看護連携研究
- Dentomaxillofacial radiology.
- Dentum
- Department of Health.
- Dépendances : des réflexions, des pratiques autour du champ des drogues légales et illégales Addiction Info Suisse
- Dépenses pharmaceutiques par tête: À prix courants et en parité de pouvoir d'achat
- Dépenses pharmaceutiques: En pourcentage des dépenses totales de santé
- Depression.
- Depression and anxiety.
- Depression journal
- Depression Research and Treatment
- Depression research and treatment.
- Depression Strategy
- Dermatitis : contact, atopic, occupational, drug.
- Dermato.
- Dermato-endocrinology.
- Dermatología
- Dermatología / Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Dermatología.
- Dermatología Argentina
- Dermatología cosmética, médica y quirúrgica : DCMQ.
- Dermatología peruana.
- Dermatologic clinics.
- Dermatologic surgery.
- Dermatologic therapy.
- Dermatologica Helvetica.
- Dermatological reviews.
- Die Dermatologie
- Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt = Occupational and environmental dermatology.
- Dermatology
- Dermatology : international journal for clinical and investigational dermatology.
- Dermatology and Therapy
- Dermatology and therapy.
- Dermatology news.
- Dermatology nursing / Dermatology Nurses' Association.
- Dermatology online journal.
- Dermatology practical & conceptual.
- Dermatology reports.
- Dermatology research and practice.
- Dermatology Times
- Dermatology times.
- Dermatopathology.
- Desde el jardín de Freud : revista de psicoanálisis.
- Designed monomers and polymers.
- Detskie infekt͡sii
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur.
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin.
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für klinische Forschung
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin.
- Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie.
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt.
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt / Studieren.de : das Magazin des Deutschen Ärzteblattes für Studierende der Medizin
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt international.
- Deutsches Medizin Forum
- Deutschlandprognose
- Developing world bioethics.
- Development
- Development.
- Development & reproduction.
- Development and psychopathology.
- Development genes and evolution.
- Development, growth & differentiation.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.
- Developmental biology.
- Developmental biology journal
- Developmental cell.
- Developmental cognitive neuroscience.
- Developmental disabilities network journal.
- Developmental disabilities research reviews.
- Developmental dynamics.
- Developmental genetics.
- Developmental immunology.
- Developmental medicine and child neurology.
- Developmental neurobiology.
- Developmental neuropsychology.
- Developmental neurorehabilitation.
- Developmental neuroscience.
- Developmental psychobiology.
- Developmental psychology.
- Developmental review : DR.
- Developmental science.
- Developments in health sciences
- Développements : revue interdisciplinaire du développement cognitif normal et pathologique.
- DGS - Zeitschrift für angewandte Schmerztherapie
- DGS Zeitschrift Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schmerzmedizin
- The Dhaka University journal of pharmaceutical sciences
- The Dhaka University journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
- Diabesity
- Diabetes
- Diabetes & metabolic syndrome : clinical research & reviews.
- Diabetes & metabolism.
- Diabetes & metabolism journal.
- Diabetes & vascular disease research : official journal of the International Society of Diabetes and Vascular Disease.
- Diabetes : a journal of the American Diabetes Association.
- Diabetes al Día
- Diabetes care.
- Diabetes Care Monitor
- Diabetes dateline.
- Diabetes digest.
- The diabetes educator : TDE.
- Diabetes epidemiology and management.
- diabetes frontier.
- Diabetes frontier online
- Diabetes health professional : investigate, inform, inspire.
- Diabetes Horizons -Practice and Progress-
- Diabetes Hoy Para el Médico y el Profesional de la Salud
- Diabetes management.
- Diabetes research and clinical practice.
- Diabetes spectrum.
- Diabetes Strategy
- Diabetes Therapy
- Diabetes therapy : research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders.
- Diabetes voice : bulletin of the International Diabetes Federation.
- Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy.
- Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.
- Diabetes, obesity and metabolism now
- Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews.
- Diabetes/metabolism reviews.
- Diabetic foot & ankle.
- Diabetic Gourmet Magazine
- Diabetic Living (USA)
- Diabetic Living India (India)
- Diabetic medicine.
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Der Diabetologe.
- Diabetologia.
- Diabetologia Croatica.
- Diabetologia Hungarica
- Die Diabetologie.
- Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva
- Diabetolognytt : medlemstidning för Svensk förening för diabetologi.
- Diabetology.
- Diabetology & metabolic syndrome.
- Diabetology international.
- Diaeta.
- Diagnostic & Therapeutic Center of Athens Hygeia S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- Diagnostic and interventional endoscopy (Online)
- Diagnostic and interventional imaging.
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology.
- Diagnostic and prognostic research.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy
- Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.
- Diagnostic histopathology.
- Diagnostic imaging.
- Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease.
- Diagnostic molecular pathology.
- Diagnostic pathology.
- Diagnostic pathology : the diagnostic pathology journal.
- Diagnóstico : revista médica de la Fundación Instituto Hipólito Unanue.
- Diagnosticos da America S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- Diagnostics
- Diagnostics.
- Diagnostics in Neuropsychiatry
- Dialogue on diarrhoea.
- Dialogues in clinical neuroscience.
- Dialogues in clinical neuroscience & mental health.
- Dialogues in Health
- Dialogues in philosophy, mental and neuro sciences.
- Diario Médico
- Dica33
- Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tip Dergisi
- Dicle tıp dergisi : Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi yayın organı.
- Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales
- Dietetics
- Differentiation.
- Diffusion fundamentals.
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