
新着図書:協生館図書室 新着資料 2020年09月14日(月)


Price theory and applications Second edition, international edition.
B. Peter Pashigian.

協生館  HB172@Pa11@1
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事業再生研究叢書 ;18

協生館  HD62.7@Ji11@1
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Policymaking in the open economy :concepts and case studies in economic performance
edited by Rudiger Dornbusch.
EDI series in economic development

協生館  HD87@Do11@1
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Commodity chains and global capitalism
edited by Gary Gereffi and Miguel Korzeniewicz

協生館  HF1040.7@Ge11@1
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キャッシュレス進化論 :世界が教えてくれたキャッシュレス社会への道しるべ

協生館  HG1710@Ya11@1
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Valuation of intellectual property and intangible assets Third edition.
Gordan V. Smith, Russell L. Parr.
Intellectual property series

協生館  KF2979@Su11@1-3ed
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Fun and games :a text on game theory
Ken Binmore.

協生館  QA269@Bi11@1
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Transforming the future :anticipation in the 21st century
edited by Riel Miller.

協生館  MD@141.5@Mi4@1
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