Reference Service
Instructions and Advice on Library Resources and Services
If you have difficulties with finding and locating the library items you need, or doing library research, just talk to a reference librarian. The reference service is for the current members of Keio University. If you are a visitor, please contact us through your home library or a public library. Here are the examples of the services we provide:
- Instructions on KOSMOS
- Instructions on databases and online journals
- Advice on library research
- Obtaining items not held by Keio University
- Paid database search by a librarian
- Issuing a 'letter of introduction' necessary to visit other university's library
We accept your inquiries by the following methods:
- In-Person: Visit us on weekdays at the Reference Counter on the 1st floor.
Hours: 8:45 a.m.-6:30 p.m. (weekdays except for Thursdays during semester); 8:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Thursdays and between semesters) - Ask us!(online forrm): We will get back to you by email within 3 business days.
- Zoom: An appointment is required; make an appointment using the online form.
Library Orientation
For Students
We hold library orientation for the students who are new to Mita Campus. The orientation is targeted for individual research groups or 'zemi.' We customize the orientation according to the group's research subject and interest. For more details, please click here.
For Newcomer Faculty Members
We provide private guidance for our newcomer faculty members including visiting researchers. For more details, please click here.
Contact Information
Reference Service, Mita Media Center
Email :