Workshops & Seminars
The Media Center holds seminars for research lab groups and classes, explaining how to use the library and how to search the databases such as KOSMOS as required. Feel free to come to the Reference Desk on the second floor for assistance.
How to Use Media Centers (Libraries)!
An introduction to KOSMOS and Database NAVI for Keio students[Keio ID authentication required].
Recording (26 min.)
Media Center Tours
Receive explanations of how to search for material while being guided on an SFC Media Center Tour.
To help us coordinate a suitable tour time and date, please provide several preferences for a tour time using the following form.
Media Center Tour Request Form
Customized Seminars
The Media Center holds seminars for research lab groups and classes, explaining how to use the library and how to search the databases such as KOSMOS as required. The seminars can be catered to suit the needs of each group. It is also possible for library staff to visit classrooms and research labs to conduct these seminars.
Appointments are necessary, so please contact the Reference Desk for more details, or use the following form to request a Customized Seminar.
Customized Seminars Request Form
Library Orientation
The Media Center holds library orientations on a personal basis. Let's find how to use the Media Center, how to find materials, how to search databases, and so on. Appointments are necessary, so please contact the Reference Desk for more details, or use the following form to request a library orientation.
Library Orientation Request Form