

Obtain & Access

Document Delivery, Interlibrary Loans, Reservations

Here are the requests you can make. Click here for details.

  • Requesting photocopies of journal articles or other library items not available at your home library
  • Placing a hold on library items on loan
  • Requesting books for loan from other Keio University libraries or other universities/institutions around the world

You may place a request via online forms below, or in person at the counter of any Keio University Library at your convenience.

Document Delivery (or Photocopy Request)
Interlibrary Loan/Reservation

How to Request Items Located in the Laboratories and Repositories on Hiyoshi Campus

You may ask Hiyoshi Media Center to fetch and keep those items for you.
Please make a request via "Books in Laboratories and Repositories *For Hiyoshi."
Direct access to the repository is allowed to faculty and staff.

Purchase Request

We happily purchase items helpful for your study, research, and any academic and educational activities. We accept purchase requests. Click here for details.

Course Reserves Request

Course reserves are a group of library collections set aside for specific academic courses. The items are for in-library use only to ensure their availability to all students taking the courses. Faculty may designate particular books for course reserves. Choose the application form corresponding to the campus providing the course.

Request for a Letter of Introduction

A letter of introduction may be required when visiting the library of other university or institution. Please refer to the website of the library you plan to visit. You may get some important notices for visitors. Here is the request form for a letter of introduction.

Eligibile Patrons

Faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students affiliated with Keio University,
Alumni of School of Medicine or School of Health Management, or Sanshikai/Kobaikai members

  • Before requesting a letter of introduction, search KOSMOS and make sure the item you need is NOT held by Keio University libraries. You may not visit if Keio has the item.
  • Your letter of introduction would be issued as soon as the visit is arranged between Keio and the library you plan to visit. It may take some time, 2 to 4 days average, for arrangement. Please apply well in advance.

Learn & Ask

Workshops & Seminars

Join our workshops, seminars, and orientations to get some tips to use our library collections and resources effectively. Here are the application forms. Choose the application form corresponding to the library giving the event you want to participate in.

Online Reference (Ask Us!)

Need any help for your study and research? Feel free to talk to a librarian, or ask online:
Ask Us! (Online Reference)

Comments & Questions

We welcome your comments and questions on our libraries and services. Here is the online form.
*Please note that "Ask Us!" above is for asking for help in your study and research.


Email Address Registration

If you are eligible for borrowing, we recommend you register your email address with our library system, to receive courtesy / pickup / overdue notices. Here is the online form for email address registration or change.

  • If you are a full-time degree student, no registration is required. Your or CNS, for a Shonan Fujisawa Campus student, email address has been registered already. No other email address is accepted. To have your notices sent to an email address other than or CNS, use email forwarding service.
  • If you are a correspondence course student and eligible for borrowing, you may register an optional email address.

Online Newsletters

Some of our libraries publish online newsletters. Here are the online forms for subscription: