
Cancellation of the Subscription to the SAGE eJournal Package


As approved by the Councils, Media Center has canceled the subscription to the SAGE eJournal Package(*). By the end of 2019, we have terminated the contract to take measures to the soaring subscription costs. From 2020 we have started subscribing to single SAGE eJournal titles, not on the basis of a subscription package.

Here is the list of SAGE eJournal titles. (Keio ID is required.)

The list includes the eJournal titles that are available in the Package.
It also includes the eJournal titles being subscribed idividually under the contract starting in 2020.
Please try KOSMOS for the issues published in 2019 or prior. If accessible, you would find the links to the journal issues.

*A collection of eJournal titles offered for subscription at a lump sum

Contact Information:
Reference Section, Keio University Media Center
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