New additions to our digital collection:
A catalog of the exhibitions of our rare books is now available in PDF. We have added more digital content to the Documents of the Sagara Family, the Documents of the Tsushima So Family, the Japanese and Chinese classics, and the Fujikawa Collection.
[New collection]
・Rare Books Exhibition Catalog (PDF):
We have started digitizing the catalogs of our annual rare book exhibitions. The first content is the exhibit of "活字文化の真髄-日本の古活字版と西洋初期印刷本-" ("The essence of print culture--Japanese old prints "古活字版" and early printed books from Western countries") held in 2015. From the Japanese and Chinese books in the catalog, links are inserted to the Japanese and the Chinese classics collection on this site, and you can view the images of all pages.
[New contents]
・Documents of the Sagara Family:
Added 201 titles including "足利尊氏ヵ袖判御教書案〔軍勢催促〕".
・Documents of the Tsushima So Family:
Added nine items, classified in the category of "毎日記" and "御同席大御目付并内為知廻状".
・Japanese Classics Collection:
Added 137 titles including "伊勢物語", "源氏物語" and "平家物語".
・Chinese Classics Collection:
Added 101 titles including "論語", "史記" and "新鐫通俗演義三國志傳(しんせんつうぞくえんぎさんごくしでん)".
・Fujikawa Collection:
Added 129 items including "傷寒論 付金匱要略" and "証治準縄".