Long-Term Loan During Winter and Spring Holidays (SFC) 2024/2025
We offer long-term loan during the winter and spring holidays as below.
It is available only to the current members of Keio University, and is applied to the 14 or 30-day-loan items.
Note that some items are not for long-term loan, and borrowing is subject to the rules of the lending library.
The procedure period includes the closing days. When you renew your loan, the closing days are counted as a part of the loan period.
Winter Vacation
14-Day-Loan Items Procedure period December 13 - January 7
30-Day-Loan Items Procedure period November 28 - December 22
- for the Winter Vacation Due Date : January 22
Spring Vacation
14-Day-Loan Items Procedure period January 24 - April 1
30-Day-Loan Items Procedure period January 6 - March 16
- for the Spring Vacation Due Date : April 16
*Only undergraduate students, graduate students, and Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School students are eligible.
*Excluded materials: Journals, white papers/yearbooks, dissertations, audiovisual materials, etc.
*Materials ordered from other campuses: Each media center's circulation policy applies.
* Students who will complete the undergraduate program in Mar. 2025 should return the materials by 2025/3/14.
* Students who will complete the graduate program in Mar. 2025 should return the materials by 2025/3/14.
* It does not apply to short-term loan materials.
* When it borrows the books of the library in other campuses, the schedule might be different.