Applications are restricted to students currently enrolled at the Keio University Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care and Graduate School of Health Management. (However, persons enrolled at other campuses are able to request "book reservations/interlibrary loans" and "document deliveries (reproductions)" as well as ask "reference questions.")
Handling of personal information at Keio University Libraries
Book reservations/interlibrary loans
Please refer to the page on the interlibrary loans service.
Interlibrary loans/reservations form
Document deliveries (reproductions)
Please refer to the page on the document deliveries (reproduction) service.
Document deliveries (reproductions) request form
Library materials purchase requests
Please refer to the page on library materials purchases.
Library materials purchases request form
Course reserves
This is a service to hold materials that are required for classes and research seminars for a set period at a designated location in the library at the request of faculty members. Because these materials cannot in principle be taken out of the library on loan, they can be used by the students who attend the classes and research seminars at any time in the library.
For details, please refer to the page on course reserves and printing of teaching materials. [Japanese]
Course reserves request form
Reference questions
We respond to questions regarding the use of the Media Center and how to search for materials.
Please refer to reference services. [Japanese]
Ask Us! (Online Reference) *Only for persons enrolled at Keio University. Please use the inquiry form if you are from another university or outside Keio University.
Issuance of referral letters
Please refer to visiting other libraries. [Japanese]
Referral letter request form
Request an individual orientation
Consultations on book searches are conducted on a one-to-one basis (group consultations also accepted). Explanations are provided on the requested topics including how to use KOSMOS, how to select and use databases, how to search for statistical data, and how to use reference management tools.
If you would like to attend an individual orientation, please either fill out the request form available at the library or apply by sending an e-mail to
nmc-lib@sfc.keio.ac.jp with the following information:
- Student ID number, full name, e-mail address, name of academic advisor
- Desired content of orientation
- Desired date and time (up to three preferences) *Consultations will in principle be no longer than 60 minutes.
- Research theme and keywords
- Databases you have used so far, names of materials you have already found, etc.
On-demand seminars
Seminars are conducted on the requested topics including how to use the library and how to search databases.
Seminars can also be arranged in accordance with the content of lectures or topics for research seminars. Additionally, it is possible for the library staff to directly visit classrooms or laboratories. Please apply as a class or group focusing on the same theme.
On-demand seminars request form
Printing of teaching materials (faculty and staff members only)
This is a service to print out teaching materials on behalf of faculty members.
It is limited to teaching materials which faculty members have created by themselves for the purpose of use in classes and research seminars at Keio University.
For details, please refer to the page on course reserves and printing of teaching materials. [Japanese]