
Inquiries (Library of Nursing and Medical Care)

Inquiries concerning general library services

Counter: Library Information Desk
Tel.: 0466-49-6204, or ext.: 55250
Fax: 0466-49-3298
Inquiry form

Please see the "Request (Applications)" page regarding the various purposes of applications and inquiries.

Inquiries concerning SFC-CNS (Campus Network System) and library computer equipment

Counter: CNS Service Desk at the Library of Nursing and Medical Care (weekdays 9:15-17:00 only)
Tel.: 0466-49-6204, or ext.: 55252
*Contact for when staff are unavailable: CNS hotline (Shonan Fujisawa KIC)

Tel.: 0466-49-3423, or ext.: 52512
Shonan Fujisawa KIC