
Inquiries (Shinanomachi Media Center)

User Guide

Please also refer to the "Keio University faculty, staffs, students" page.

ContentTelephoneExtensionE-mail (*1)
General Usage Inquiries 03-5363-3725 62754
Opening hours, loans, returns, renewals, reproductions As above As above
Browsing / photocopying old medical books (*2)
(FAX) 03-5363-3859 (*3)

(*1) Emails will be answered on weekdays

(*2) Advanced booking required

(*3) Bookings by phone not accepted

Collection Searches, Item Searches

  • Please refer to the Research Guides (Shinanomachi Media Center) if enrolled at Keio University, an alumnus/alumna of the Graduate School of Medicine, a Graduate School of Health Management Mita-kai member, or a Sanshikai/Kobaikai member.

Reference Services Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3725 (direct number for Reference Services Section), ext.: 62755
Ask Us! (Online Reference)

Mutual Loans (ILL -- Document Deliveries / Material Requests)

Please apply by making an online request from "Document Deliveries (Reproductions)" or "Interlibrary Loan for Books / Reservation of Library Materials" if you have a local library card.

Mutual Loans Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3857, ext.: 62756

How to use electronic resources

Please make inquiries after looking at Research Guides (Shinanomachi Media Center)

Reference Services Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3725 (direct number for Reference Services Section), ext.: 62755
Ask Us! (Online Reference)

Connection problems with electronic resources

Please make inquiries here.

Reference Services Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3725 (direct number for Reference Services Section), ext.: 62755
Ask Us! (Online Reference)

Library materials and electronic resource purchases, donations of materials

  • Library materials and electronic resource purchases

Please apply from Online requests after viewing the "Library Materials Purchases" page if you have a local library card.

  • Donations of materials

Please make inquiries after viewing the "Donations of Materials" page.

Technical Services Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3724, ext.: 62752

Publications / media coverage, etc.

  • Old medical texts / collections

Please inquire at the General Affairs Section after viewing the following documents:
"Old Medical Books / Publications of Collections / Broadcasts"
"Table of Fees for Materials and Images"
"Application for Permission to Use Materials"

  • Library tours, media coverage, photography of buildings, etc.

Please consult with the General Affairs Section in advance.

General Affairs Section
Tel.: 03-5363-3723, ext.: 62750