三田 メディアセンター



りこうなハンス 第3刷
オスカル・プフングスト著 ; 柚木治代訳

三田  A@645@Pf1@1
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Burning the books :a history of knowledge under attack
Richard Ovenden.

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Organizing library collections :theory and practice
Gretchen L. Hoffman.

三田  B@014.3@Ho1@1
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Handschriften des Mittelalters :Grundwissen Kodikologie und Paläographie 3., erweiterte Auflage.
Mathias Kluge (Hg.).

三田  B@022.23@KL1@1
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Contradiction set free
Hermann Levin Goldschmidt ; translated by John Koster ; with an introduction by Willi Goetschel.

三田  B@134.9@Go3@1
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Wittgenstein and the limits of language
edited by Hanne Appelqvist.
Routledge studies in twentieth-century philosophy

三田  B@134.97@Ap1@1
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Hidden Christians in Japan :breaking the silence
Kirk Sandvig.

三田  B@198.221@Sa1@1
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Davāzdah faṣl-i bāgh-i va būstān-i va dirakht-i dar asnād-i dawrah-ʹi Qājār
Hashem Rajabzadeh ; with the cooperation of Kinji Eura and a preface by Kazuo Morimoto.
東洋学研究情報センター叢刊 ;31

三田  B@227.2@Ra1@1-7
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Medieval theories of divine providence :1250-1350
by Mikko Posti.
Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters,0169-8028 ;Band 128

三田  B@230.4@S11@1-128
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Émile Combes :le fondateur spirituel de la laïcité : du séminaire de Castres à la loi de 1905
Jacques Limouzy.

三田  B@235.068@Co3@3
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Historical dictionary of North Macedonia Second edition.
Dimitar Bechev.
Historical dictionaries of Europe

三田  B@239.33@Be1@1-ed2
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Global studies.Volume 1,Globalization and globality
Tuo Cai and Zhenye Liu ; translated by Lei Ting.
China perspectives

三田  B@319@Ca5@1-1
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Global studies.Volume 2,Process and governance
Tuo Cai and Zhenye Liu ; translated by Gao Yi.
China perspectives

三田  B@319@Ca5@1-2
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Reassessing Japan's Cold War :Ikeda Hayato's foreign politics and proactivism during the 1960s
Oliviero Frattolillo.
The Routledge Global 1960s and 1970s

三田  B@319.1@Ik1@1
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Rethinking Sino-Japanese alienation :history problems and historical opportunities First edition.
Barry Buzan and Evelyn Goh.

三田  B@319.2201@Bu1@1
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International relations and the European Union Third edition.
edited by Christopher Hill, Michael Smith, and Sophie Vanhoonakcer.
The new European Union series

三田  B@319.3@Hi1@2-ed3
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The political economy of the BRICS countries.1,BRICS: the quest for inclusive growth
editors-in-chief, Edward D. Mansfield, Nita Rudra ; editors, Biju Paul Abraham, Partha Ray.

三田  B@332@Ma2@1-1
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The political economy of the BRICS countries.2,BRICS and the global economy
editors-in-chief, Edward D. Mansfield, Nita Rudra ; editor, Soo Yeon Kim.

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The political economy of the BRICS countries.3,Political economy of informality in BRIC countries
editors-in-chief, Edward D. Mansfield, Nita Rudra ; editor, Santiago López-Cariboni.

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Le postcolonialisme 1re édition.
Nicolas Bancel.
Que sais-je ?,0768-0066 ;no 4152.Histoire

三田  B@334.5@Ba1@1
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The class structure of capitalist societies.volume 1,A space of bounded variety
Will Atkinson.
Routledge advances in sociology ;286

三田  B@361.8@At2@2
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Claude Lévi-Strauss :l'homme, l'oeuvre, son héritage
sous la direction de Nicolas Journet et Jasmina Šopova.
La petite bibliothèque de sciences humaines

三田  B@389@Le1@26
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Durkheim et la sociologie française :d'hier à aujourd'hui
Salvador Juan ; [préface de Georges Balandier]
La Petite bibliothèque de Sciences humaines

三田  B@389@Ma3@3
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Financial, macro and micro econometrics using R
edited by Hrishikesh D. Vinod, C. R. Rao.
Handbook of statistics,0169-7161 ;volume 42

三田  B@417@K11@1-42
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Studio voices :art and life in twentieth-century Britain
Michael Bird.

三田  B@702.3@Bi3@1
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Unsterblich :die offizielle Biographie 1. Auflage.
Svbway to Sally.

三田  B@764.7@Su3@1
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Theater und Mythos :die Konstitution des Subjekts im Diskurs der antiken Tragödie
Hans-Thies Lehmann.

三田  B@772.31@Le1@1
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Materialität und Medialität von Schrift
Erika Greber, Konrad Ehlich, Jan-Dirk Müller (Hgg.)
Schrift und Bild in Bewegung ;Band 1

三田  B@801.1@Gr2@1
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Bribes d'îles :la littérature en archipel de Benedetto Bordone à Nicolas Bouvier
Frank Lestringant.
Géographies du Monde,1279-8428 ;26

三田  B@902.09@Le10@1
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John Ruskin :an idiosyncratic dictionary encompassing his passions, his delusions & his prophecies
compiled by Michael Glover.

三田  B@930.268@Ru1@17
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The letters of Ernest Hemingway
edited by Sandra Spanier and Robert W. Trogdon.
Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2011-
The Cambridge edition of the letters of Ernest Hemingway

三田  B@935.7@He1@1-5
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Anonymität und Autorschaft :zur Literatur- und Rechtsgeschichte der Namenlosigkeit
herausgegeben von Stephan Pabst.
Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur,0174-4410 ;Band 126

三田  B@940.2@Pa1@1
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L'amour à la Werther :le discours amoureux chez Goethe, Villers, Staël et Stendhal : regards croisés sur un mythe franco-allemand
Susanne Ardisson ; traduction de Petra Hillig.
Masculin/féminin dans l'Europe moderne,2111-6970 ;20

三田  B@950.26@Go7@1
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Le dandysme, de l'histoire au mythe
Edyta Kociubińska (éd.)
Études de linguistique, littérature et arts,2196-9787 ;vol. 38

三田  B@950.26@Ko2@1
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Chateaubriand et l'épopée du Nouveau monde :intertextualité, imitations, transgressions
Pierino Gallo.

三田  B@950.268@Ch1@74
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Marie Mallarmé :le fantôme dans la glace
Gordon Millan.
Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes,2103-4672 ;95

三田  B@951.6@Ma1@116
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Ecrits sur Rimbaud
Paul Verlaine ; choix de textes, préface et notes d'Andrea Schellino.
Rivages Poche Petite Bibliot ;942

三田  B@951.6@Ve1@36
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Correspondance :1919-1938
André Breton, Paul Eluard ; présentée et éditée par Étienne-Alain Hubert.

三田  B@955.7@Br1@7
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