三田 メディアセンター



[松平定信著] ; 岡嶌偉久子, 山根陸宏校訂
史料纂集. 古記録編 ;209

三田  A@210.088@Z1@1-53-1
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芦田文夫, 井手啓二, 大西広, 聽濤弘, 山本恒人著

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法学 :法制史家のみた 追補第2版
利光三津夫, 林弘正著

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裁判と自治の法社会史 :熊谷開作先生生誕百年記念論集
石川一三夫, 矢野達雄編著

三田  A@322.16@Ku1@1
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物権法 第2版
民法講義 ;2

三田  A@324.2@Ma2@4-ed2
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樋口亮介, 深町晋也編著

三田  A@326.9@Hi1@1
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根本博, 大野尚弘著

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独占禁止法 第4版
菅久修一編著 ; 品川武, 伊永大輔, 原田郁著

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平成財政史 :平成元~12年度.第12巻,統計 機構 人事 年表 索引

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いま社会政策に何ができるか ;1

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朝比奈ミカ, 菊池馨実編
岩波ブックレット ;No.1039

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中国農村部における地域福祉の可能性 :未富先老社会と福祉ミックス
現代社会政策のフロンティア ;13

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境界線の学校史 :戦後日本の学校化社会の周縁と周辺

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中国近现代教科书史论 第1版.
吴洪成, 田谧, 李晨等著.

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100+ ideas to inspire smart spaces and creative places
Elisabeth Doucett.
Instant impact for your library

三田  B@012@Do1@1
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Marketing plans in action :a step-by-step guide for libraries, archives, and cultural organizations
Amanda L. Goodman.

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52 ready-to-use gaming programs for libraries
edited by Ellyssa Kroski.

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Intellectual freedom stories from a shifting landscape
edited by Valerie Nye.

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Enhancing teaching and learning :a leadership guide for school librarians Fourth edition.
Jean Donham and Chelsea Sims.

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Meeting the challenge of teaching information literacy
Michelle Reale.

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Spirits and animism in contemporary Japan :the invisible empire Paperback edition.
edited by Fabio Rambelli.

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Medizin- und kulturgeschichtliche Konnexe des Pietismus :Heilkunst und Ethik, arkane Traditionen, Musik, Literatur und Sprache : in memoriam Christa Habrich
Irmtraut Sahmland, Hans-Jürgen Schrader (Hg.).
Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus,2198-1043 ;Band 61

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Religious plurality and interreligious contacts in the Middle Ages
Ana Echevarría Arsuaga, Dorothea Weltecke (eds.).
Wolfenbütteler Forschungen,0724-9594161

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Contemporary studies on modern Chinese history
edited by Zeng Yeying ; translated by Li Wenzhong and Wu Jinshan.
China perspectives

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A world beneath the sands :adventurers and archaeologists in the golden age of Egyptology
Toby Wilkinson.

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The Javanese travels of Purwalelana :a nobleman's account of his journeys across the island of Java,1860-1875
translated, with an introduction and notes by Judith E. Bosnak and Frans X. Koot.
Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. Third series, No. 36

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Hans Kelsen Werke
herausgegeben von Matthias Jestaedt ; in Kooperation mit dem Hans Kelsen-Institut.
Tübingen :Mohr Siebeck,c2007-

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Formalism, decisionism and conservatism in Russian law
by Mikhail Antonov.
Law in Eastern Europe,0075-823X ;volume 68

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Spatial economics
Stefano Colombo, editor.

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Empire in the Heimat :colonialism and public culture in the Third Reich
Willeke Sandler.

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Le Clézio et le pays de Nice
Matine Arrigo-Schwartz.

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L'invention du surréalisme :des Champs magnétiques à Nadja
sous la direction d'Isabelle Diu, Bérénice Stoll et Olivier Wagner ; avec la collaboration scientifique de Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron.

三田  B@950.27@Di3@1
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Paul Valéry et les peintres :Journées Paul Valéry, Musée Paul Valéry, sous le haut patronage de l'Académie française
Martine Boivin-Champeaux [and others].

三田  B@950.278@Va1@27
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