Shinanomachi Media Center (Kitasato Memorial Medical Library)

Pickup Contents

  • APC_pickup
  • pubmed
  • Ck

Library Calendar

  • WRegular Hours (Weekdays)

  • SRegular Hours (Sat.)

  • WSShort Hours (Weekdays)

  • SSShort Hours (Sat.)

  • STShort Hours (Sun.)

  • CClosed

  • OOthers

  • UUndetermined

[Important] COVID-19: Updates on library services & operations (Shinanomachi)



    Kitasato Memorial Medical Library

    Kitasato Memorial Medical Library, which was established in 1937 in memory of the late Dr. Kitasato, the first dean of the School of Medicine, is currently known as the Shinanomachi Media Center. As one of Japan's leading libraries on medical and related fields, the Center houses extensive collections and provides access to a variety of electronic resources. Since its establishment, the Center has opened its door to outside researchers and healthcare workers seven days a week. To meet our university's commitment to information literacy, the Center provides various library instruction such as a hands-on seminar on electronic resources.

    Keio University Shinanomachi Library @MedLib_Keio