Shinanomachi Media Center (Kitasato Memorial Medical Library)

Visiting/Using Libraries Outside Keio University

This page is for Keio University faculty, staffs, students.
Other alumni ; click here.
Visitors ; click here.

University Libraries in Partnership with Keio

Waseda University Library

Requesting and borrowing books of Waseda University Library

Full-time faculty/staff members and professors emeriti can request books of Waseda University Library via KOSMOS and borrow them (registration required).

Entering Waseda University Library

Full-time faculty/staff members, professors and students can enter the following libraries.
■Central, Science & Engineering, and Tokorozawa Libraries

If you are full-time faculty/staff at Shinanomachi campus and have not issued Keio ID card, you need to make an ID card.

Please refer to the following webpage for details.
Using Cooperative Agreement Libraries: Waseda University Library

Other University Libraries

Generally, you are required to bring a letter of introduction to visit a university library in Japan. You may get the letter at any of Keio University Libraries. A letter of introduction may be requested online or in person at the reference desk.