Mita Media Center(Keio University Library)

Floor Map | Mita Media Center

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New Building

6F Office
5F Rare Book Room, Instruction Room, Book Selection Office
4F Foreign Serials & Documents, Japanese University Bulletins, Seminar Rooms, Video Conference Room, Cubicles
3F Counter, Japanese Serials & Documents, Microforms
2F Reading Rooms, Course Reserve Books
1F Reception, Main Counter (Book Loans / Returns / ILL section), Reference Counter, Copy Service, Exhibition Room, Event Area, Lounge, Multipurpose Learning Room, Database Area, PC Area
B1F Stacks (Eastern Books)
B2F Stacks (Eastern Books)
B3F Stacks (Books of Faculty of Letters, Books on Japan)
B4F Stacks (Japanese,Chinese & Korean Serials & Documents, Reference Books, Toyama Music Collection)
B5F Stacks (Foreign Serials & Documents, Large Books), EUi

Old Building

4F BC (Business & Commerce)
3F B (Foreign Books), BC(Business & Commerce), Toyama Music Collection, RA / RB(Dictionaries)
2F EC (Economics), BC(Business & Commerce)
1F Service Counter, B (Foreign Books), Audio-Visual Corner
B1F B (Foreign Books),Books of Faculty of Letters
B2F B (Foreign Books),etc

South Building

B2F Course Reserve Books (Law School), Law School Serials, JA / JB Fest(Festschriften)
B3F Counter, JR(Law), LSA/LSB(Law School Books)
B4F PL(Politics), JR(Law), B (Foreign Books), Law Reports and Statutes Published Outside of Japan